Tuesday Roundtable recap: the Growth Management Act

 Over the last two legislative sessions there has been growing interest in revisions to the Growth Management Act (GMA).  Originally adopted 1990, the GMA established a framework to guide local government land use planning.  The legislature is being asked to address problems that include the cost of housing in Central Puget Sound, lack of flexibility and costs for smaller communities, and to environmental issues related to land use.  Our speakers will assess current stakeholder processes, consider industrial land preservation and conflicting land use challenges, and how rural communities are affected by the GMA.  

In today’s Roundtable, we heard from:

·      Alison Moss of Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt gave an overview of what the Growth Management Act is; its goals and objectives

·      Deirdre Wilson of the Northwest Seaport Alliance and the Port of Tacoma discussed land use planning considerations

·      Paul Jewell of the Washington State Association of Counties covered the rural county perspective of the GMA

You can watch the entire webinar here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7fbuukpgc1qdgww/2020-12-08_Tuesday_Roundtable_recording.mp4?dl=0  

Looking for resources from the webinar? Below are the presentations from the GMA Roundtable.

Alison Moss’ presentation

Deirdre Wilson’s presentation

Paul Jewell’s presentation